Bullying - we say no

Bullying: How to Spot It and Stop It

Creating a safe and inclusive environment is essential for any club. Bullying can have a serious impact on individuals and the club as a whole, affecting confidence, participation, and overall wellbeing. By understanding what bullying is, recognising the signs, and taking action, we can all help foster a respectful and supportive community.

What is Bullying?

Bullying is unwanted, ongoing, negative behavior directed at a person or group, with the intention to cause harm. It can be:

  • Verbal – name-calling, insults, threats
  • Physical – pushing, hitting, damaging property
  • Psychological – exclusion, intimidation, spreading rumors
  • Electronic (Cyberbullying) – online harassment, social media abuse, hurtful messages

Bullying is repeated or has the potential to happen repeatedly over time, making the victim feel powerless or unsafe.

How to Spot Bullying

Bullying isn’t always obvious, but some signs include:

  • Someone being repeatedly excluded or targeted
  • Sudden withdrawal from activities or social groups
  • Unexplained distress, anxiety, or loss of confidence
  • Negative behavior escalating over time

How to Stop Bullying

If you witness or experience bullying, it’s important to take action:

  1. Speak Up – If safe to do so, call out the behavior or support the person being bullied.
  2. Report It – Tell a club leader, committee member, or someone you trust.
  3. Support Each Other – Encourage an inclusive, respectful culture where bullying isn’t tolerated.
  4. Follow Club Policies – Ensure your club has clear anti-bullying policies and procedures in place.

Every member plays a role in making the club a positive and welcoming space. If you need help, reach out to your club, Surf Life Saving Queensland or Surf Life Saving Australia or a trusted support service. Together, we can take a stand against bullying.

Download SLSQ No Bullying Poster here

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Young People Under 25

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 Beyond Blue


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