blue cards

On this page:

  • Blue Card Screening Policy
  • Completing Blue Card Applications and Submission to Blue Card Services
  • Pre-Filled Blue Card Forms
  • Quick Reference Guide: Blue Card Application Process Flowchart
  • Screening Checklist for Organisations Authorised Person/s
  • ADM007 - Working With Children Training Checks - Educational Courses

blue card screen policy

This policy provides direction to all SLS Clubs, Branches and SLSQ regarding the legislative and compliance requirements of the Blue Card System administered under the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 (Act). This policy is also a mandatory component of the SLSQ Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy.

The purpose of this policy is ultimately to maintain the safety and wellbeing of children and adults engaged with Surf Lifesaving in Queensland, through the provision of robust organisational practices and procedures in line with the legislative requirements for Blue Card Screening.

The most important consideration when making an employment screening decision is the safety and wellbeing of children, and in particular a child’s entitlement to be cared for in a way that protects them from harm and that promotes their wellbeing.

Quick Reference Guide: Blue Card Application Process Flowchart

Screening Checklist for Organisations Authorised Person/s

ADM007 - Working With Children Training Checks - Educational Courses