
about age guides

Junior Development Program
Not only is Junior Activities a fun way for children to enjoy the beach in a safe environment, it also offers an educational pathway through the delivery of the SLSA Junior Development Program. This program is designed to ensure children have fun at the beach while participating in lessons that will provide them with a pathway to become a fully rounded participant in both lifesaving and sport activities. The program includes a wide range of subjects and skills relative to the aquatic environment and prepares Junior Activities members for their transition to becoming a senior member and aims to promote the spirit of camaraderie and citizenship within the community.


Junior Age Awards
As part of the Junior Development and Junior Activities Programs, children have the opportunity to gain a junior development award each season; each member should be encouraged to attain their respective age award.
Members wishing to compete in Surf Life Saving Queensland State Youth Championship events must complete their respective Junior Activities Age Award prior to the close of entries of their respective Branch Championships. With the exception of Branch Championship Events held prior to 31 December where members must complete them before the close of entries of the Surf Life Saving Queensland State Youth Championships.