
The thrill of surf sports

A pivotal part of Surf Life Saving is Surf Sports. A true showcase of power, strength and skill.

SLSQ hosts a range of different surf sports events and carnivals which showcase the raw power of our people. From Youth to Masters, we have a range of events that would excite any spectator!

Another key focus for us is athlete development, we want to see Queensland athletes shine on national and international stages.

upcoming events


athlete development

A pivotal part of queensland’s continued success in surf sports is slsq’s strong focus on development at grassroots level to ensure we have highly skilled athletes. As competitors from clubs around the state fight it out for surf rescue supremacy.

SLSQ has implemented an athlete development program which provides an opportunity for surf sports athletes to further develop their skills, allowing our members to reach their full potential. Traditionally, Queensland has produced some of the country’s best surf sports athletes and SLSQ is committed to continuing this tradition as well as offering athletes of any ability the opportunity to perform at their best.

Queensland teams

Surf Life Saving Queensland is committed to developing athletes throughout Queensland and has a dedicated surf sports program to cater all competitors.

U11 Boys Board Rescue winner North Burleigh 3


SLSQ encourages all members to engage in healthy competition in the world of surf life saving. Whether through SLSQ high-performance pathways, or local masters competitions – everyone can have fun competing in surf sports.

Each season Surf Life Saving Queensland’s premier sporting events continue to grow in stature and in competitor numbers.

Queensland athletes and clubs have also continued to dominate the national and international competition, building the state’s reputation and proving our investment in surf sports is reaping rewards at all levels.