WEB BANNER - 600 X 200 (2)

SLSQ Advisors: Season 2024/2025

Department:   Governance  
Audience:  Board of Directors, State Council, Life Members, Club Presidents, All Clubs, All Branches, SLSQ Officers, SLSQ Advisors, SLSQ Committee & Panels, SLSQ Staff 


Nominations are invited for the following honorary SLSQ State Advisors positions for the 2024/2025 season: 

As per section 10.1 of the 2024 Regulations

The following advisors will be voted in on any year or even number for a term of two (2) years – Drone Operations, Helicopter Services Advisor, Junior Activities Advisor, Life Saving Operations Support Advisor, Lifesaving Specialist Powercraft Advisor, Medical Advisor, Member Welfare Advisor, Surf Sports IRB Competition Advisor, Surf Sports Officials Advisor, Youth Advisor.

  • Drone Operations Advisor
  • Helicopter Advisor
  • Junior Activities Advisor
  • Lifesaving Operations Support Advisor
  • Lifesaving Specialist Powercraft Advisor
  • Medical Advisor
  • Member Welfare Advisor
  • Surf Sports IRB Competition Advisor
  • Surf Sports Junior Advisor
  • Youth Advisor


Nominations must:

  • Be submitted on the prescribed form below
  • Nominees will be contacted to ensure that they agree to the nomination
  • Proposer and Seconders Name and email must be provided (Note: SLSQ will confirm they are prepared to endorse the nomination)
  • Nominations must also be endorsed by the Nominee’s Club and Branch. This will be done via SLSQ once nominations close (via email direct to Club and Branch Presidents)
  • Provide two referees, who have worked within SLSQ with the nominee, to be contacted for a brief reference check. Please note, the reference checks must not be SLSQ staff.


Nominations close at Surf Life Saving Queensland on Monday 24th June 2024 5pm


Nominations will be presented to the SLSQ Board for endorsement on Wednesday 31st July 2024


Should there be multiple nominations, the responsible manager will work with the committee on behalf of the Board to gather and present supporting information for all nominations, and the committee’s recommendation of preferred nominee.


All Advisors must:

  • Must hold a current Working with Children Blue Card or Exemption Notice.
  • Must hold the SLSQ CYRM Induction and SLSQ Child Safe Awareness Induction
  • Must be over 18 years of age


It is strongly recommended that prospective nominees carefully read the position descriptions contained in Section 9 of the FINAL 2024 SLSQ REGULATIONS. Below is a short precis of the requirements for each position.

Drone Operations Advisor Must hold a current 7kg Remote Pilot License
Helicopter Advisor Be a proficient and qualified SLSQ Helicopter crewperson;
Junior Activities Advisor Must be a member of a Surf Life Saving Club and have an active interest/involvement in Junior Activities within their Club, Branch or SLSQ
Lifesaving Operations Support Advisor Must have substantive experience in the conduct of at least one (1) area of Surf Lifesaving Operations support activities
Lifesaving Specialist Powercraft Advisor current SLSA RWC Assessors Certificate and/or any other watercraft Assessor Certificate as endorsed by the Lifesaving Committee and Have Substantive experience in Specialist Powercraft operations
Must have the requisite qualifications and professional memberships to practice medicine in Queensland
Member Welfare Advisor Must be appropriately qualified in psychology, social work, or in welfare or health related field and have an active interest/ involvement in Peer Support activities within surf lifesaving
Must hold a current SLSA IRB Drivers Certificate and be an accredited SLSA Surf Sport Official or Coach with substantive experience in IRB competition (racing).
Surf Sports Junior Advisor Must hold a current SLSA Officials and/or SLSA Coaching Accreditation.
Youth Advisor Must have an appreciation for working with Children and Young People and understand the responsibilities regarding their safety and wellbeing


Nomination Board Subcommittee David Nothard – Company Secretary
Education Committee Tonya Pade – Member Training Manager
Lifesaving Committee Natalie Edwards – Lifesaving Services Manager
Membership Services Committee Zoe Breitkreutz – Membership Services Coordinator
Surf Sports Committee Stuart Hogben – Sport Manager
Junior Activities Panel Zoe Breitkreutz – Membership Services Coordinator
Lifesaving Specialist Powercraft Panel Natalie Edwards – Lifesaving Services Manager
Meritorious and Annual Awards Selection Panel Zoe Breitkreutz – Membership Services Coordinator
Surf Sports IRB Competition Panel Stuart Hogben – Sport Manager
Surf Sports Officials Advisory Panel Stuart Hogben – Sport Manager

Prospective nominees are also strongly encouraged to discuss the applicable priorities, budgets and policies associated with the roles. Please feel free to contact the responsible SLSQ Manager as listed above to arrange such a discussion.



Members are asked to access the Nomination Form by following link

State Advisors Nominations 2024/25 Nominations

Please note that once submitted, there will be an automated email sent to your club seeking endorsement via your Club. SLSQ will seek endorsement from your Branch President on your behalf. SLSQ reserves the right to confirm that the Proposer and Seconder are supportive of your nomination.


24th June 2024 @ 5pm Nominations close
25th June 2024 Outstanding Endorsements are sent to Clubs
1st July 2024 Outstanding Club endorsements due at SLSQ
2nd July 2024 Endorsements are sent to Branch
10th July 2024 Branch endorsements are due at SLSQ
31st July 2024 Nominations are presented to the SLSQ Board of Directors


If prospective nominees are unsure of the requirements of a particular position, please contact the relevant responsible Manager on 07 3846 8000.