Surf Life Saving Queensland (SLSQ) welcomes all people of all abilities and believes that it is our sense of belonging that binds us together. We do this by creating a culture of safety and promoting equity, respect and diversity.
Whilst we are already committed to the inclusion of people with disability, as demonstrated through existing initiatives led by volunteers and clubs, we recognise that there are numerous opportunities for SLSQ to pursue positive change achieving true disability inclusion and full participation for people with disability. With 1 in 5 Australians and 17.9% of Queenslanders living with disability, SLSQ aims at working with our clubs and volunteers to improve access.
SLSQ uses person first language which focuses on the person rather than their disability. Example of this language is a lifesaver with disability, rather than a disabled lifesaver. We must acknowledge that whilst we utilise person first language, not all people with disability will prefer this language. We recognise that all people with disability are unique and may refer to themselves differently, for example, identity-first language. Whatever your preference, we aim to learn from you and take your lead, allowing you to flourish at Surf Life Saving Queensland.
We continue this journey through our Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) and aim to remove barriers present in our organisation for all people with disability, enhance our culture of safety and belonging and increase disability and access initiatives at a local level.