Volunteer Trainer Delivery and Assessment Contribution Skill Set



This TAESS00030 Volunteer Trainer Delivery and Assessment Contribution Skill Set provides the necessary skills and knowledge for industry trainers and support-assessors who train others in their organisation and contribute to the assessment process.

This skill set is designed to support industry trainers and support-assessors to contribute to the assessment outcome rather than the final competency-assessment decision, which is made by a qualified assessor. Assessment contribution may involve volunteers collecting evidence in the workplace to support the work of a qualified assessor. The role may involve some coaching at individual or small group level.

Pathways Information

The following two units provide credit towards TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and other qualifications that allow for selection of these units.

  • BSBCMM411 Make presentations
  • TAEDEL311 Provide work skill instruction

Licensing/Regulatory Information

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this skill set at the time of publication.

Skill Set Requirements

  • BSBCMM411 Make presentations
  • TAEASS311 Contribute to assessment
  • TAEDEL311 Provide work skill instruction

Target Group

This skill set is for volunteers who deliver training to other volunteers in the workplace and who contribute to assessment. This training is designed to support volunteer trainers, such as in emergency service organisations, and those supporting learners in non-accredited delivery, where collated assessment evidence may be used by a qualified assessor towards formal assessment activity.