
Junior Athlete of the Year Award

Award Description
The purpose of this award is to recognize and reward junior athletes who have demonstrated sporting excellence as well as contributed to the area of surf sports within Surf Life Saving. Junior athletes are categorized as those 11-14 years.
Selection Criteria
1. How have they achieved sporting excellence? Consider the following:
What were their results at major competitions (e.g. state, national, international)?
Have they been part of a representative team and if so, how did they contribute to the success of that team?
2. How have they been a positive role model, a good sportsman and/or an ambassador for Surf Life Saving?
How do they contribute to broader lifesaving activities and engage with other members (including juniors)?
Other Information
Clubs are to submit nominations for Branch selection. Branch recipients will then progress to a State level as finalists for the selection of a State recipient.
Presentation of Award
SLSQ Awards of Excellence Dinner
Date of Circulation
February / March
SLSQ Closing Date
Please refer to your Branch closing date
Judging Panel
Surf Sports Meritorious Awards Selection Panel