Surf Life Saving Queensland Commits to Deeper Acknowledgement and Celebration of First Nations Peoples across the State

July 9, 2024

Surf Life Saving Queensland (SLSQ) is proud to announce its commitment to a true acknowledgement and celebration of First Nations Peoples within our movement and the communities we serve, with the implementation of the “As One” Framework; which will steer the development of SLSQ’s first Reconciliation Action Plan. The framework builds and expands on the collaborative work which is already happening across Surf Life Saving Clubs with First Nations Peoples and Communities and will include education, programs and initiatives.

The impact of this investment will be seen in increased Cultural Recognition and Respect through both symbolic acknowledgement and expanding cultural competence across the movement.  Expanding Community Engagement and building relationships and trust with First Nations Peoples and Communities is aimed at encouraging membership and participation by creating welcoming spaces across our organisation.

CEO of SLSQ, Dave Whimpey, stated: “Our commitment to the As One Framework signifies a deep and enduring respect for the First Nations Peoples who have safeguarded our beautiful coastal areas for millennia. We are dedicated to fostering an environment of true reconciliation and partnership, ensuring that their voices are heard and their contributions celebrated within our organisation and the broader community.”

President of SLSQ, Gerard O’Brien, added: “We are taking concrete steps to acknowledge the invaluable knowledge and cultural heritage of First Nations Peoples.  We not only respect their historical and ongoing contributions but recognise that this approach will lead to a stronger, more unified organisation that reflects the diversity of the communities we serve.”

This framework forms part of SLSQ’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategy; working together to create a future where our clubs and communities thrive with the shared knowledge and strength of all Australians.