Support Us

Surf Lifesavers are iconic Australians. You see their reassuring presence on the beach when you go for a swim. You admire their skill and athleticism as they race through the waves. Even if you are not on the beach there are plenty of ways that you can support our red and yellow heroes without even getting your toes wet.


Why support surf lifesaving?

Support us and you can help save a life. It’s simple, by supporting our volunteer surf lifesavers you directly ensure that Queensland’s beaches are a safer place to swim.

With over 30 million visitors to Queensland’s beaches every year, Surf Life Saving Queensland is continually striving to make our marine environment as safe as possible.

Surf Life Saving is an integral part of Australia’s heritage. Our dedicated volunteers need to have the right training and equipment to do their job which is to save lives. All monies raised are used to maintain and purchase rescue gear and equipment, enhance training and development programs for our lifesavers, expand community surf safety messages and fund aquatic safety research and development.