WEB BANNER - 600 X 200 (2)


Department:   Governance  
Audience:  Members of all Clubs & Branches, State Council, SLSQ Directors, SLSQ Officers and Advisors, SLSQ Life Members, All SLSQ Staff 



Nominations are invited for the following Director positions on the SLSQ Board, each for a two-year term. 

  • President 1 position 
  • Director of Finance 1 position 
  • Elected Directors 2 positions 

To apply, nominees need to complete the following:

  • Application Form (Page 5/6 of this circular) - CLICK HERE
  • Nominees Profile: All nominees are to provide a document addressing the listed criteria (Page 8) - CLICK HERE


Nominations close at Surf Life Saving Queensland 5pm, Sunday 11th August 2024

These are to be emailed to cosec@lifesaving.com.au or delivered to Surf Rescue House (in a sealed envelope and marked confidential).

Please note that incomplete or late nominations will not be considered.

Elections will take place at the SLSQ Annual General Meeting on 21st September 2024

Nominees will be required to participate in an interview process prior to the election.  They will be advised of the process once nominations are submitted and verified.



Surf Life Saving Queensland wishes to encourage nominees from a broad range of membership across the spectrum of the organisation, both operationally and geographically.  SLSQ is a diverse member-based organisation operating in an increasingly complex regulatory and commercial environment.  

In addition to the core business of supporting surf lifesaving operations, the organisation operates a number of commercial businesses which generate “profit for purpose” to support the core function and delivery of the organisation’s mission and strategic objectives.  

It is therefore critical that the Board is comprised of highly skilled individuals with a diversity of skills, experience and background.  The Council, in consultation with the Board, maintains a Skills Matrix against which applications will be assessed in order to achieve an appropriate balance on the Board. 


  • Commercial Strategy Development and Implementation 
  • NFP Strategy Development and Implementation 
  • Governance and Policy 
  • Government Network/Public Policy Influence 
  • Finance 
  • IT 
  • Business Development 
  • Fundraising in NFP setting 
  • Risk 
  • Legal 
  • Asset Management/Development 
  • Government 
  • Volunteer and Membership 
  • Director Experience 
  • Marketing Experience 
  • Communications & Public Relations 
  • Sponsorship and Partner Engagement 

Through assessment of the Board Skills matrix, the Board and State Council have determined the following profiles are highly desirable for directors. 
Click here to view the Board Profiles.



Prospective nominees are encouraged to attend the information night below to gain insight into the responsibilities and criteria associated with serving on the SLSQ Board. 

  • Date: Wednesday 7th August 2024 
  • Time: 6:00pm 
  • Register here: LINK 



The Board shall comprise: 

  • up to seven (7) Elected Directors being: 
  • President; 
  • Deputy-President; 
  • Director of Finance; and 
  • four (4) Elected Directors; 

all of whom are elected under clause 20; and 

  • two (2) Appointed Directors appointed under clause 20 by the Council (on the recommendation of the Board); and 
  • the CEO (non-voting). 

Gender equity and diversity will be given due consideration in the election and/or appointment of all Directors. Subject always to the Constitution, no Director is entitled to be paid fees by the Company.



Nominations shall be called for by the company secretary fifty-six (56) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. When calling for nominations, the company secretary shall also provide details of the necessary qualifications and job descriptions for the position. Qualifications and job descriptions for Board positions shall be as determined by the Board from time to time. 

Nominations must be: 

  • in writing; 
  • on the prescribed form provided for that purpose; 
  • signed by a nominator and a seconder, who must be Individual Members; 
  • certified by the nominee expressing their willingness to accept the position for which they are nominated, and further that they are not disqualified (or facing disqualification) from being eligible to be elected; and 
  • received by the company secretary at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the Annual General Meeting and shall be sent to the members entitled to receive notice under this Constitution of the Annual General Meeting with the agenda for that General Meeting. 
  • Subject to nominees meeting the qualifications as recommended by the Board and ratified by the Council from time to time, nominations for Director are open to any person who is a member of an Affiliated Club, Branch or is otherwise recognised by SLSQ as a member and who is not: 
    • an employee of SLSQ, Branch, Affiliated Club or a subsidiary of SLSQ; or 
    • a director or committee member or other senior office holder of or in a Branch; or 
    • a State Officer or State Adviser 

The Elected Directors shall be elected by the Council at the Annual General Meeting from amongst nominations submitted to the Company Secretary in accordance with this Constitution for terms of two (2) years, which shall commence from the conclusion of the AGM at which the election occurred until the conclusion of the second AGM following. 

The election of Directors shall be by the preferential ballot system, and shall be by secret ballot. All Directors must be elected by a majority of votes even if they are the only nominee for a position. 

The President, Director of Finance and two (2) of the Directors shall be elected in each year of even number and the Deputy President and the two (2) other Directors shall be elected in each year of odd number. 

Subject to clause 20(h) all Directors can only hold office for three (3) consecutive terms of two (2) years (for a total of six (6) consecutive years). A person who has served six (6) consecutive years as a Director and who becomes ineligible to continue to serve a further term becomes eligible again after the expiry of two (2) years from the end of their term. 

Where an Elected Director is subsequently elected to the position of President, Deputy President or Director of Finance, they may hold the later elected office for a period of not more than three (3) further consecutive two year terms, provided that in no circumstances shall an Elected Director serve on the Board for a period exceeding twelve (12) consecutive years. 

Should any adjustment to the term of Directors elected under this Constitution be necessary to ensure rotational terms in accordance with the Constitution, this shall be determined by the Board by lot.  Elections to subsequent Boards shall then proceed in accordance with the procedures in these Rules with approximately half the elected Board members retiring each year. 



The selection process for Appointed Directors will be conducted separately, under the oversight of the Board. 



Subject to the Act and the provisions of this Constitution the business of SLSQ shall be managed, and the powers of SLSQ shall be exercised, by the Board. The Board, as the authority for surf lifesaving in Queensland, shall be responsible for acting on all state issues in accordance with the Objects and shall operate for the benefit of the Members and the community throughout Queensland and shall: 

  • govern surf lifesaving in Queensland in accordance with the Objects; 
  • determine major strategic directions; 
  • determine policies; and 
  • review SLSQ’s performance in achieving its pre-determined aims, objectives and policies. 



If any prospective nominee is unsure of the requirements or expectations of a Director or requires a copy of the SLSQ Constitution, Regulations or Strategic Plan please contact the Company Secretary via cosec@lifesaving.com.au 


David Nothard  
Company Secretary