The Age Manager has one of the most important jobs in Surf Life Saving – Age Managers are responsible for the caring and nurturing of our future surf lifesavers. The role of an Age Manager is to both develop our Junior Activities members into surf lifesavers and to provide a supportive environment in which they can learn and grow.
Age Managers are:
Responsible for the care, safety, wellbeing and development of the Junior Activities members
Responsible for facilitating the development of surf lifesaving skills (movement skills, surf awareness, etc.) and personal skills (e.g. confidence, teamwork, leadership)
Fundamental in the delivery of a learning program that encourages and develops young surf lifesavers
Responsible to seek out and utilise expertise from within your club for the delivery of programs
At a minimum all age managers must meet the below prerequisites.
Age Managers must:
Be a Current Financial Member
Minimum 16 years of age or 18 years for U6 & U7 age groups
Hold valid Working with Children Blue Card (over 18 years)
Complete Child Youth Risk Management Strategies Training (CYRMS)
Complete Child Safe Awareness Course (All members must complete CYRMS & CSA)
Hold current a Bronze, SRC, or Observers Certificate
Clubs are encouraged to promote a uniform for age managers to ensure they are easily identifiable for both nippers and parents.
It is recommended that Age Managers follow sun safety guidelines and wear the following:
Broad brim or legionnaire style hat
Long Sleeve Shirt or Rash Shirt
Long board shorts
Protective sunglasses.
Age Manager Assistant
SLSA has recently re-introduced the Age Manager Assistant Award. In order to become an Age Manager Assistant members must:
Complete Child Safe Awareness
Complete Child Youth & Risk Management Strategies
Be a minimum of 13 years of age
Hold a valid Blue Card if over 18 years of age
Complete the Age Manager Online Theory in the SLSA Members Area
Upon completion of the all of the above, the club must raise a Form14 and submit to branch along with a copy of the Age Manager Online Theory Certificate of Completion.
Clubs wishing to utilise a registrar to sign nippers in and out using the nipper app, must get the registrar to complete the above in order to gain access to the nipper app.
Age Manager Assistant – Position Description – V1 Sept 23